Due to the varied nature of our products, each brand or product type has a section below to give you the details you require, or get you to the relevant team should you need assistance. By purchasing on mafiabike.com you agree to all terms and conditions that are relevant to your order, this may be several sections in the event that your order contains products of a varied type.

Click the links below to find the relevant section for your order.

Mafiabike terms of use

Road use

The majority of Mafiabikes are supplied for off-road use. If you intend to use your bicycle on the road, please ensure you have the appropriate legally required features to do so, such as front & rear brakes, chain guard, reflectors, bell. If you do not have these items but you want to ride on the road, we supply an optional road kit, which is included with the purchase of a bike.

Mafiabike Warranty

How to claim

Warranty claims will only be handled through the appropriate channel which is our online form. If you do not supply all of the requested information, your claim may be rejected. Please go to our warranty enquiry form and fill it out in full.

Completes & parts

6 months manufacturer’s warranty covers unexpected failure/defect of all parts/components that may not be attributed to fair wear and tear, or crash damage outside that considered normal use. The claimant must be the original owner/purchaser and produce a receipt to prove the date of purchase. The parts/components must be free from modification including shot blasting and/or painting/powder coating where this may be attributed to the failure.

Important - 1 week service

As your bike will have been sent to you via mail order, it is your responsibility to ensure it has been assembled correctly. We allow you to assemble by yourself. However you must get a 1 week service by a qualified bicycle shop technician in order to qualify for your warranty. This is to ensure you have assembled your bicycle correctly and that everything is adjusted correctly e.g. spokes will need tightening, maybe your chain is too loose, brakes not set correctly, tyre pressure incorrect etc. If you do not have your 1 week service record (signed and stamped receipt), then your warranty is invalid.

Examples of items not covered by your warranty:

• buckled wheels
• worn tyres
• worn/broken chains (unless clearly a manufacturing defect)
• worn sprockets
• worn bearings or hub internals
• bent forks / frame / bars / axles / cranks / pedals
• worn brake cables

Examples of items that are covered where it is clear there has been no abuse or misuse (note: you will need to supply photos of both sides of your bike & then may further be asked to return the failed component):

• cracked or broken frames
• cracked or broken forks
• cracked or broken bars
• cracked or broken hubs
• internal axle failure bb/wheels
• visible manufacturing defects to any part or component (should be reported as soon as noticed)

If a repair or replacement is not possible Mafiabikes reserve the right to offer an alternative of equal or greater value (colour may vary) or a partial refund proportional to the remaining life of the product.

You are expected to keep your bike in serviceable condition. any failure attributed to incorrect or lack of maintenance will be easily detected by our engineers & in most cases rejected.

When you make a claim, you will be expected to provide photographic evidence of your complete bike (photos of both sides even if it is a single small component failure) including close up shots of the failed component(s). In most instances you will then be required to send the failed part/component back to our head office for inspection at your own cost.

Aftermarket parts warranty

Lifetime manufacturer’s warranty on aftermarket frames (Hitmain and Justice) covers unexpected failure/defect of all parts/components of the frame, that may not be attributed to fair wear and tear, or crash damage outside what is considered normal use. Normal use is defined as “using the bicycle in a controlled fashion that is within your own capabilities”. The claimant must be the original owner/purchaser and produce a receipt or invoice showing the purchase. The parts/components must be free from modification including shot blasting and/or painting/powder coating where this may be attributed to the failure.

This lifetime warranty is backdated to all aftermarket frames before the lifetime warranty was introduced to these products.

Examples of situations not covered by your warranty are listed below.

Any damage or issues caused by:

  • wear and tear
  • accident or crash damage
  • fatigue or corrosion
  • deliberate damage or abuse
  • after sale alterations to the product (welding, brazing, filing, drilling or repairs.)
  • modification including shot blasting and/or painting/powder coating

You are expected to keep your bike in serviceable condition. Any failure attributed to incorrect or lack of maintenance will not qualify for warranty.

This warranty is limited to the lifetime of the purchased frame and warranty claims are limited to 1 time per product. If a repair or replacement is not possible Mafiabikes reserve the right to offer an alternative of equal or greater value (colour may vary) or a partial refund proportional to the remaining life of the product.

This lifetime warranty only cover aftermarket hitmain and justice frames. For complete bike and aftermarket parts warranty terms please see the completes & parts section of the warranty page.

Before assembly

Please note, your bicycle has been supplied in a carton (box) in a semi-knock-down state. This means it requires some basic assembly & a thorough inspection by a competent experienced person prior to riding. We strongly recommend that this inspection is carried out by a trained bicycle technician at a bicycle shop where they regularly build and service bicycles. It’s paramount for the riders safety that this bicycle is thoroughly checked over for any potential safety issues prior to riding. We will not accept any liability whatsoever for injury or death sustained as a result of improper assembly and inspection of your new bicycle. If you should encounters any such issue during assembly / inspection please do not hesitate in contacting us using the appropriate warranty or returns form to be found at www.stomp-group.com

Ride safe

Wherever you ride, you should take every precaution to protect yourself from potential injury. Always wear a protective helmet and gloves and make sure you stay visible to others by wearing brightly coloured clothing such as a reflective jacket. If you are riding in a skate park or other off-road location, ensure you are always well protected. If performing tricks or riding difficult obstacles such as ramps, curbs, rails or trails we strongly advise the use of a full face helmet, protective gloves, elbow & knee pads, shin/ankle pads & protective shoes.

Servicing (1 week service)

For your safety and also to validate your warranty, your new bike needs to be serviced after approximately 1 weeks riding or 50 miles (whichever comes sooner). This is because all moving parts are liable to bed-in and require adjustment e.g. crank bearings, wheel bearings & headset bearings. The chain may also require re-tensioning. All nuts & bolts should also be checked to ensure they are sufficiently tight along with wheel spokes (especially on BMX bikes which tend to be ridden much harder than other bikes).


All mafiabikes BMX’s are designed for use at an entry level. This means small airs, jumps or hops (max 1 foot or 12 inches),which may incorporate basic tricks such as up to 360° spins). Foot jams, foot jam whips, bar spins or manuals. If you push your BMX beyond this level, you do so entirely at your own risk. Should you wish to go beyond these limits we advise you upgrade your bicycle to one that is built entirely of aftermarket parts.

Servicing (continued)

For your safety and for the optimum performance of you bicycle it should be checked thoroughly by a trained bicycle technician on a regular basis. This is especially true for BMX bikes, which may sustain regular immeasurable impacts. A bicycle which has not been serviced correctly and is ridden in a manner which it may sustain regular immeasurable and unquantifiable impacts, may cause component failure and potential injury or death. Stomp Racing LTD will not be held liable in any way for any injury or death sustained as a result of improper/incorrect use, servicing or maintenance. As a guide we suggest a full inspection by a qualified person every 3 months however this is only a guide & is by no means exhaustible. It is your responsibility to ensure your bicycle is safe to ride at ALL TIMES. If you ride your bicycle in an ‘extreme way’ i.e. to perform tricks, you should inspect your bicycle EVERY time you ride it and also during the period you are riding it. It is highly recommended that you carry any essential tools you may require for continued maintenance whilst you are riding. This is a perfectly normal and accepted practise whilst riding BMX. E.g. an impact from a jump or air may cause your bars to move, also your cranks or your spokes could work loose. You should be prepared at all times to be in a position to rectify any servicing or maintenance issue which could potentially cause component failure, injury or death. Your safety is entirely your responsibility.

Headset adjustment

Loosen the 2 rear pinch bolts at the back of the handlebar stem tighten the top bolt (centre of the stem top cap). Not too hard, the bolt simply pre loads the bearings. You should be able to still turn the bars easily and smoothly. If they feel notchy then loosen the bolt slightly. If there is movement back & forth in line with the frame, then tighten the bolt. Once satisfied, re-tighten the pinch bolts on the stem nice & tight to prevent the stem slipping on the fork steer tube

Handlebar adjustment

Your bars should normally be installed inline with your forks (looking from the side). However if you are a little small for the bike you may want them back towards you a touch. There is very little reason to angle your bars forward; this will simply affect the bikes geometry & thus performance making riding difficult. Make sure you install the faceplate for the stem evenly, with an equal gap to the top & bottom of the stem to faceplate. Make sure the bolts have a little grease on them as this will allow you to tighten them more than without grease. Tighten the bolts diagonally top to bottom, and then switch to opposing side. This will ensure even pressure on the bars. If your bars persist to slip, try roughing up the knurled section of the bar & also scratch grooves into the stem faceplate & body. This will help the two parts grip each other better.

Brake Pad Adjustment

Your brake(s) should be set by the factory, however as it beds in it may require adjustment. To adjust your brake pad, first loosen the allen bolt attaching it to the calliper enough that the shoe will move freely. Next pull your brake lever so the pad makes firm flat contact with the wheel rim. Whilst holding the brake lever, adjust & position the pad so that it sits flat on the rim. Make sure the pad is away from the tyre. A rubbing pad on the tyre will cause the tyre sidewall to fail & the tube to blow out BANG. This can cause injury. Once you are fully satisfied with the position of the pad, tighten the pad retaining bolt/nut whilst FIRMLY pulling the brake lever and preventing the pad from spinning (sometimes this requires 3 hands). This will give a nice flat pad adjustment & very effective breaking performance. However, it may also cause the brake to squeal, especially if rim protecting soft pads are being used (clear pads). To prevent brake squeal, attempt to angle the leading edge of the pad slightly into the rim. The rear of the pad should be approx 1-2 mm off the rim when the leading edge 1st touches the rim. Braking performance will still be good & hopefully the SQUEAL is reduced or totally eliminated. Note: if your brakes are not installed but supplied as a kit, please see the separate brake assembly instructions and online ‘how to’ install brake video.

U or V-brake adjustment

The U or V-brake utilises 2 separate levers to apply pressure to the wheel rims. Each lever has a spring which is adjustable in tension. In order for both levers to pull together & for the pads to make contact at the same time, the springs need to be adjusted for balanced movement. If one arm is moving more than the other, you must reduce it’s spring tension (usually a small allen key bolt in the side of the brake/pad lever) Depending on the brake this can be either clockwise, or anticlockwise, therefore you will need to experiment. You are trying to achieve the brake levers to be in roughly the same position at rest & pull together at the same time when you pull the brake. A perfect set-up will see both pads hit the rim at the same time.

U-brake cable adjustment

Once your brake is set up correctly you may want to finally adjust the brake lever pull for your personal preference. There are normally 2 adjusters, 1 on the lever & 1 on the cable termination on the frame. Screw the cable adjuster anticlockwise to reduce cable pull i.e. in order that the pads hit the rim sooner for a give brake lever operation. If you have run out of adjustment it may be necessary to adjust the cable length at the cross-over junction or on the cross over cable itself. Simply loosen the cable connection & pull a small amount of cable through. Note: screw your cable adjusters clockwise until they are approx 1/3 from the hard stop before you carry this out. This will allow you to fine adjust your cable pull afterwards.

Brake lever position

You can angle your brake lever however you like, however the best angle is normally tending down pointing to the ground. This allows the lever to be out of the way whilst performing bar spins etc. To adjust, simply loosen the lever on bar and slide/angle to your desired position. Note: if you do not fully tighten, it is less likely that the lever will be damaged whilst bailing a trick or jump as it will simply spin out of the way under the impact force. If fully tight, the lever may fail as a result of a given impact.

3-piece pinch bolt crank arm adjustment

Your cranks may come loose from time to time, if they do, this is how to tighten them: Loosen the 2 pinch bolts (where fitted e.g mafia clip), next tighten the centre crank arm bolt (in line with crank axle) then re-tighten the pinch bolts. If you cranks are still after tightening, it may be that the bearings are not fully pressed in. To ensure they are pressed in firmly, remove the crank arms fully & using a suitably sized large socket matching the outer race of the bearing unit, drift the bearing hard into place in the BB housing (using a hammer). Do this both sides & then re-assemble the crank arms.

Hubs & bearings

Most of our models use loose ball hubs unless specified otherwise e.g. bb-kush, kush, clip & Manhattan silver all use loose ball hubs. As the bearings bed in, it may be necessary to tighten the cone nuts from time to time. If there is wobble (side to side) your bearings could probably do with a slight tweak. Remove the wheel, loosen the cone locking nuts & carefully tighten the cone nuts. The wheel should spin freely, but there should be no side-to-side play. Once you are satisfied, re-tighten the locking nuts & replace the wheel. Note this can also be a good time to check there is plenty of grease in your bearings. If they are looking/feeling a bit dry, stuff in some fresh grease before adjusting the cone nut.

Tyre Pressure

tyre pressure is a personal preference. Some people like their tyres soft, others like them rock hard. Your tyres are only designed for pressures up to 60 psi, so always use a pressure gauge & never over do the pressure. If you desire higher pressure we suggest you invest in some hi pressure aftermarket tyres.

Chain Adjustment

Your chain should be tight at all times. The reason for this is that a tight chain will make it easier for you to keep your pedals in the desired position whilst performing tricks where you feet leave the pedals e.g. foot-jam-whip. To tighten your chain, 1st loosen your rear wheel nuts enough that the wheel only just moves in the rear drop outs (moves with a little force). Pull the rear wheel hard back keeping it inline in the frame. Next pull the non-drive side back a tiny bit more that the now tight chain side & tighten the non-drive side wheel nut. The wheel will now be slightly out of line in the frame. Next grab the tyre somewhere close to the seat tube & pull the wheel hard over towards the drive side until the wheel is centralised. Once you have it centralised tighten the drive side wheel nut. This procedure can be a little tricky & will take a few attempts to get the hang of, but the result is a very tight chain & pedals that stay put whilst performing tricks. When you rotate the pedals you may notice a very tight spot, or a very loose spot. This is often caused by the chain wheel (front sprocket) not being centralised. In order to centralise it, try loosening the sprocket bolt (to the rear) a small amount & then spinning the crank arms. The chain wheel should centralise (note you should not fully loosen, only a little). Once centralised tighten the sprocket bolt. Note: if this is all too complicated & you are not interested in tight crank arms for tricks, simply align your rear wheel centrally pulling back on the wheel till the chain is tight, then tighten the wheel nuts.


When you get your bike, the spokes have not been pre-stressed. Your wheels were built by automated machines and machines can sometimes make minor mistakes, check all your spokes are tight. If any are very loose carefully tighten them. First remove the free play (wobble) from the spoke, then carefully tighten to a similar tension as that of the looser spokes in your wheel. Note: If you over tighten what was a loose spoke it can often cause the wheel to buckle As your wheels bed in, you may find some of the spokes become loose. The best way to deal with a wheels bedding in, is to regularly put a 1/4 turn on each spoke after riding (especially the rear wheel). This will keep them tight & your wheels true (running straight). Once the spokes have passed their bedding in stage (stretching) you should not have to tighten spokes very often. If your wheel is buckled you can true the wheel by finding the bend in the rim & applying tension to the correct spokes to pull the rim back in line. This is a relatively skilled procedure & we recommend that you at least follow some of the tutorial videos on youtube: search ‘true bicycle wheel’

Last amended: 19/04/2018

Pit bike and ATV terms of use

Pit bike and ATV Warranty

Please note, if you call us to discuss a warranty issue, you will be referred to this page on our site in order to progress your claim. Please read ALL of the following carefully before calling or emailing us.

How to claim

Warranty claims will only be handled through the appropriate channel which is our online form. If you do not supply all of the requested information, your claim may be rejected. Please go to the following page & fill out the warranty enquiry form in full: stomp-group.com
Pitbike Direct provides a 30 day parts warranty period from date of original retail purchase of Pitbike Direct product in the UK. Pitbike Direct, ensures that the Pitbike Direct pit bike will be free of parts defects under the following conditions:

Warranty Period

Please see individual product warranty for details.


Pit bikes that were not purchased from an authorised Pitbike Direct dealer, which were/are used for rental purposes, or other commercial use are not covered by any warranty herein. Also excluded from the warranty are, installation of parts not of the Pitbike Direct make, accident, crash or collision damage, any modifications to original parts, improper maintenance, improper assembly (if not carried out by a Pitbike Direct authorised dealer) or improper transportation. Improper use i.e. Pitbike Direct fun bikes are not designed for use on designated motocross, minibike or BMX tracks and therefore failure of components as a result are not covered in any warranty supplied or otherwise implied.

Owner’s Responsibility

The owner is required, to qualify for this warranty, to operate and maintain his/her pit bike according to the guidelines specified in the owner’s manual & PDI sheet (including service schedules), to return the pit bike to an authorised Pitbike Direct dealer should any warranty issue arise along with proof of purchase and Proof of PDI by a qualified motorcycle Technician.

Limited Liability

Pitbike Direct, offers no other warranty of any kind, whether it be expressed or implied. The consumer assumes all risks when on, near, or around Pitbike Direct pit bikes. Also excluded from this warranty is any incidental or consequential damages including loss of use. You agree to this warranty when you make a purchase of a Pit Bike from Pitbike Direct or from any Pitbike Direct authorised dealer.

Last amended: 08/10/2018

Aerosteeze terms of use

How to claim

Warranty claims will only be handled through the appropriate channel which is our online form. If you do not supply all of the requested information, your claim may be rejected. Please go to our warranty form and fill it out in full.


1 year manufacturer’s warranty covers unexpected failure/defect of all parts/components that may not be attributed to fair wear and tear, or crash damage outside that considered normal use. The claimant must be the original owner/purchaser and produce a receipt to prove the date of purchase. The parts/components must be free from modification including shot blasting and/or painting/powder coating where this may be attributed to the failure.

Examples of items not covered by your warranty

  • bent forks / frame / bars.

    Examples of items that are covered where it is clear there has been no abuse or misuse

  • cracked or broken frames
  • cracked or broken forks• cracked or broken bars
  • visible manufacturing defects to any part or component (should be reported as soon as noticed) If a repair or replacement is not possible Aerosteeze reserve the right to offer an alternative of equal or greater value (colour may vary) or a partial refund proportional to the remaining life of the product.

    You are expected to keep your aerosteeze in serviceable condition. Any failure attributed to incorrect or lack of maintenance will be easily detected by our engineers & in most cases rejected. When you make a claim, you will be expected to provide photographic evidence of your aerosteeze (photos of both sides even if it is a single small component failure) including close up shots of the failed component(s). In most instances you will then be required to send the failed part/component back to our head office for inspection at your own cost.

    Pre-ride inspection

    Before assembly

    Please note, your Aerosteeze has been supplied in a carton (box) in a semi-knock-down state. This means it requires some basic assembly & a thorough inspection by a competent experienced person prior to using. It’s paramount for the users safety that the Aerosteeze is thoroughly checked over for any potential safety issues prior to riding. We will not accept any liability whatsoever for injury or death sustained as a result of improper assembly and inspection of your product. If you should encounters any such issue during assembly / inspection please do not hesitate in contacting us using the appropriate warranty or returns form to be found at www.aerosteeze.com

    Headset adjustment

    Loosen the 2 rear pinch bolts at the back of the handlebar stem tighten the top bolt (centre of the stem top cap). Not too hard, the bolt simply pre loads the bearings. You should be able to still turn the bars easily and smoothly. If they feel notchy then loosen the bolt slightly. If there is movement back & forth in line with the frame, then tighten the bolt. Once satisfied, re-tighten the pinch bolts on the stem nice & tight to prevent the stem slipping on the fork steer tube.

    Handlebar adjustment

    Your bars should normally be installed inline with your forks (looking from the side). However if you are a little small for the Aerosteeze you may want them back towards you a touch. There is very little reason to angle your bars forward; this will simply affect the Aerosteeze geometry & thus performance making riding difficult. Make sure you install the faceplate for the stem evenly, with an equal gap to the top & bottom of the stem to faceplate. Make sure the bolts have a little grease on them as this will allow you to tighten them more than without grease. Tighten the bolts diagonally top to bottom, and then switch to opposing side. This will ensure even pressure on the bars. If your bars persist to slip, try roughing up the knurled section of the bar & also scratch grooves into the stem faceplate & body. This will help the two parts grip each other better.

    Warranty Form

    Click here to fill out the Aerosteeze warranty form.

    Last amended: 08/10/2018

    Rocker BMX and RKR scooters

    Terms and Conditions

    RKR products, parts and accessories are not sold as children’s toys, nor are they sold for use as a bicycle. RKR products, parts and accessories are sold as an extreme sports product, designed for use by competent adults on private land. Any adult who facilitates the use of RKR products by a minor does so entirely at their own risk. RKR products are not sold for use on the public highway, nor is it legal for them to be used on the public highway. RKR products are supplied without brakes and thus caution must be taken when riding. Always allow plenty of space to stop safely when riding. It is paramount that safety equipment is used when riding an RKR product. The following is advised but may not be exhaustive: Helmet, gloves, elbow pads, knee pads, shin pads, protective shoes and back protector. Marketing material produced by Stomp Racing LTD may contain images or video of riders performing various stunts/tricks on RKR products. These riders are professionals in their field of extreme sports and anyone attempting to replicate these tricks does so entirely at their own risk.

    Marketing material that shows riders performing tricks will always show RKR products that have been modified with the necessary upgrades to perform those tricks. For advice on what upgrades may be required to perform certain tricks, please contact Stomp Racing LTD directly. Stomp Racing LTD accepts no liability whatsoever for injury loss or death as a result of persons attempting to copy tricks carried out by professionals in the marketing material used by Stomp Racing LTD. Extreme sports are notoriously dangerous by their very nature. Anyone riding an RKR product does so entirely at their own risk, agrees to wear the necessary protective clothing when riding and agrees to indemnify Stomp Racing LTD and it’s re-sellers as a result of any consequential loss, injury or death be it directly related or in 3rd party connection with such riding.

    Shipping Costs

    Please note, shipping costs are not actually ‘free’, we use the word free as in the context of ‘included’ in the price you pay. Therefore shipping costs are included in the cost of the product(s) you buy from our site. Should you decide to return your product if you realize you do not want it, the shipping costs to you will be deducted from the refund we provide. If you want to be sure of any return refund you are entitled to, please contact us prior to returning your product and request details of the shipping costs. You may also request the shipping costs prior to us sending your product and we will be happy to inform you of the costs which are included in your purchase price.


    Please note, if you call us to discuss a warranty issue, you will be referred to this page on our site in order to progress your claim. Please read ALL of the following carefully before calling or emailing us.

    How to Claim

    Warranty claims will only be handled through the appropriate channel which is our online form. Note: Our warranty is handled by our sister company Stomp Racing LTD. If you do not supply all of the requested information, your claim may be rejected. Please go to the following page and fill out the warranty enquiry form.

    Completes and Parts

    6-month manufacturer's warranty. Covers unexpected failure/defect of all parts/components that may not be attributed to fair wear and tear or crash damage outside that considered normal use. The claimant must be the original owner/purchaser and produce a receipt to prove the date of purchase. The parts/components must be free from modification including shot blasting and or painting/powder coating where this may be attributed to the failure. Please note, it is the buyer's responsibility to return the goods for inspection prior to any warranty being agreed.

    Please note 'Raw' finished frames forks etc. will be subject to corrosion at a faster rate than painted bikes. This is simply because there is no rust protection applied to give the parts the 'raw look' i.e. where you can see the bluing of the tubes as a result of welding. Therefore, we cannot offer a warranty on the basis of corrosion. It is advised to minimize the potential for corrosion, that the bikes/parts are kept away from water and stored inside.

    Examples of items not covered by your warranty:
    • Buckled wheels / de-hub
    • Worn tires
    • Worn/broken chains (unless clearly a manufacturing defect)
    • Worn sprockets
    • Worn bearings or hub internals
    • Bent forks / frame / bars / axles / cranks / pedals

    Examples of items that are covered where it is clear there has been no abuse or misuse (note: you will need to supply photos of both sides of your bike and then may further be asked to return the failed component):
    • Cracked or broken frames / decks
    • Cracked or broken forks
    • Cracked or broken bars
    • Cracked or broken hubs
    • Internal axle failure BB/wheels
    • Cracked or broken cranks
    • Visible manufacturing defects to any part or component (should be reported as soon as noticed)

    Please note that paint damage caused by rough handling by couriers will not be covered by our warranty.
    You are expected to keep your bike in serviceable condition. Any failure attributed to incorrect or lack of maintenance will be easily detected by our engineers and in most cases rejected.
    When you make a claim, you will be expected to provide photographic evidence of your complete bike (photos of both sides even if it is a single small component failure) including close up shots of the failed component(s). For returns details go to our returns form located here.

    Last amended: 08/10/2018

    CRY brand terms of service

    CRY brand reserves the right to refund in full any discounted or promotional items and all of these items are subject to the terms of their respective offer. Any attempt to order items outside of the terms stated on CRY brands various media channels may result in the cancellation of your order or the removal of items not meeting the requirements of said offer. On occasion CRY brand will run promotional offers lasting for a specified amount of time or for a limited amount of stock. These offers will only be honoured up to the stated time and or date and CRY brand reserves the right to end these offers at any time and cancel orders and refund the buyer subject to stock availability or for any other business related reason. By entering a CRY brand promotional code or purchasing a discounted or promotional product you agree to these terms and conditions.

    Last amended: 08/10/2018

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